Such noble
Such noble
Be free lil pupper
You have no idea how long it took me to navigate those wind turbines, I rage quit about three times.
YEAH IT IS CONFUSING LOL especially in the mandatory wind tutorial like... it's a 2d plane how am i supposed to draw the wind going away from myself in a way the brush will understand...
okami is absolutely great and my favorite game of all time, but i still am forced to give it a 8 or 9 out of ten because some parts of it just didn't age well
also thank you for going through my gallery ksdlfjgsldkjfg
Damn I love vulpix
both forms of the vulpix lines are 10/10
Damn I love rayquaza
me too, thank you! i used to be put off by the robotic parts of its appearance but i've grown to appreciate the good green noodle
Ya know how smart birds are, they're so smart that they get stuck in water bottles. well at least the seagulls do that live on my roof, maybe they're just a bit dumb. Quick note for dealing with seagulls: don't aggravate them, they might not look it from far away but they are the size of a medium dog, they're bigger than quiche. They scare me, I just leave them honking in my roof all day because I don't wanna start anything. They are actually pretty dangerous if you get them in a closed space like a small garden (they usually need a run off to fly away) so they will bite and peck and try and slap you with their wings. Seagulls beacks are really sharp and could easily put whole in you.
hahaha, good call without getting animal control involved! those videos of seagulls grabbing peoples' food certainly backs up that idea. though i have an uncontrollable compulsion to run down groups of them on the beach (they just fly away and regroup a few meters down)
I wish I could remember being in middle school, sadly I still am though. I'm not actually because I live in England but I'm at that age. British high school sucks.
I'm sorry to hear it! I feel like no matter where you live, even if your school's on the good side, the experience of school universally sucks ;( even worse if you have to deal with the school itself sucking!
you can do it tho!!!
Grow lil pupper
Where can I get one
Oh my god I want one. It's a shame that I'm currently living in a shoe box in the London subway.
Greatings fine traveller! It appears that you are lost and must have fallen through a faery circle. I do not remember how or why I am here, all I know is that I must revive the old legends in a way only I can achieve, drawing them of course!
Joined on 5/26/19