Your anatomy is really good! If you want to improve I'd recommend working on lighting and shading. The way you used the shading makes it look kind of unclear and a bit messy. It's still great though!
Your anatomy is really good! If you want to improve I'd recommend working on lighting and shading. The way you used the shading makes it look kind of unclear and a bit messy. It's still great though!
Thank you, I had references to help me out with the anatomy. Lighting is something I still struggle with to a point. But I'm getting better. Personally since there is fog in this picture I think it works well that it's a bit unclear.
I was waiting for you to draw this
I'm not kidding here okami is my favourite game ever! This is so good I wouldn't be surprised if it was official art! Okami is pretty underrated and shamed as a zelda clone but the only similarities are a few of the mechanics. I'm glad to see some good fan art (all my old okami fan art sucks) because it really deserves it. GREAT JOB!
YES SOMEONE DID FANART! FINALLY! it's such a great music video and its really sad to see it forgotten or thrown away into the anti LGBTQ pile. I get where they're coming from but it isn't exactly the point of it. This drawing is great and you've used the best colours you could! Great job!
I love spinosaurus
Why does this give me alcremie vibes
Whipped cream texture!
To be fair, in the original it is rainbow colored, so it looks less like whipped cream
I brought this up in science at school once and no one believed me until the teacher searched it in google, maybe not the best to go in blind and scar a class of high schoolers with ear rat. Also eek a mouse!
You always make it onto the home page and it's not surprising with art like this
I didn't like knights until now
Those eyes........
Greatings fine traveller! It appears that you are lost and must have fallen through a faery circle. I do not remember how or why I am here, all I know is that I must revive the old legends in a way only I can achieve, drawing them of course!
Joined on 5/26/19